Innovation Management and Business-Planning
The programme consists of four modules:
1. Summer School 2010, 20th September – 1st October, 2010
University of Sevilla, Spain
2. Winter School 2011, February 2011
KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Stockholm, Sweden
3. Off-class Module via Internet, Summer 2011
4. Summer School 2011, July-August 2011
University of Technology Vienna, Austria
The programme offers you a deeper understanding of the interaction between technology, innovation and markets. Technical skills in combination with management skills prepare you to benchmark technological innovations against the market, to perform marketing in different economic environments as well as to prepare and evaluate a business case. The goal is to raise your entrepreneurial spirit and to provide a network to T.I.M.E students.
All participants, who successfully take part in the programme, earn an academic transcript, a European certificate and 30 ECTS credits.
For details about the programme, visit us at:
Application form:
Information e-mail:
Application deadline: June, 21st 2010
Доц. А.Л.Овсянников