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[раздел] Форум PDA view В теме одно сообщение

Отправлено 23 Сентябрь 2004 - 15:52


    отец основатель

  • Пользователи
  • PipPipPipPipPip
  • 2 243 сообщений
  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Район:мск
  • Факультет:Кибернетика
Есть мысль сделать КПК-версию сайта. И основная проблема - это втиснуть форум в 240px и галерею. Решения для форума я нашёл:

MOD Name: phpBBToGo
MOD Description: phpBBToGo a turnkey solution for transforming phpBB into a highly customizable, mobile web Content Management System (CMS).
MOD Version: 1.2.2
Installation Level: Easy
Installation Time: ~ 5 Minutes

With phpBBToGo, you'll have the ability to restrict content - to make it good for syncs. The person setting up phpBBToGo can tell it to only show posts for the past week, for example. You could tell it not to show responses, or to show only so much text. Remember, that this will only restrict content for the "sync" version of your site. You could setup a "mobile-live" version without content restriction, and of course your "desktop" version wouldn't be affected by any content restriction.

You'll also have a great deal of control over the look and feel of your Forum, by making simple changes to phpBBToGo.php:

- You can show, or hide, type of posts (lie Normal, Sticky, Announcements, Locked, & Moved).
- You can show, or hide, poll results.
- You can select which forums to display.
- You can customize page headers and footers
- You can show, or not, a built-in navigation bar.
- You can show, or not, user names & ranks.
- You can show, or not, post dates and/or times.
- You can show all, or part, of the topic text within the list of topics.
- You can sort topics by date or subject.


Отправлено 23 Сентябрь 2004 - 20:04



  • Пользователи
  • PipPipPipPip
  • 1 783 сообщений
  • Пол:Мужчина
Идею поддерживаю. Еще бы wap-версию...

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